@starrbaby, not here in Texas. We like our patients to know that it’s better to wait till after their 3 and you’ll get the same answer from pediatrician here, I have taken my son to different places and they all tell me it’s better to wait
@driastewart, yeah I’d say find a children’s dentist and tell them it’s causing issues and you need it fixed ASAP. If you don’t know any children’s dentists your pedi can refer you to one like they did with me
@starrbaby, @its.sarah, she’ll be one month on the 27th.. & yes feeding is painful & she seems to have a issue with choking sometimes, which scares me.
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@flower_princess, I was told it was actually recommended to get it fixed as young as possible
It is not recommended under the age of three just because it goes back to being lip tied. My son had his and accidentally fell down and cut his lip tie and it went back to the way it was. For my baby shower he hit his lip again and it cut it again, hoping it’ll stay that way.
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@driastewart, yeah if the lip tie is causing issues with feeding and the baby is fussy or gassy definitely get it removed. My daughter luckily never had issues with feeding That’s why I had no idea she had it till recently
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@starrbaby, yeah the dentist told me that the lip tie is causing the gap but removing the lip tie isn’t gonna close up the gap so mind as well wait till she’s a bit older just make sure that it’s removed before her new teeth come through.
@starrbaby, ok thanks for the info.. I’m just wanting to know if i should take her in to a pediatric dentist or talk to her pediatrician.. the lip tie is making breastfeeding extremely painful so I want to correct it as soon as possible
@c.r.a.i, thank you..after they diagnosed her did they refer her to a pediatric dentist? & how did the procedure go?
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@starrbaby, how old was your baby when you got it fixed ?
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I just recently figured out that my daughter has a lip tie and I went to her pedi. The pedi said they don’t even know what to do about lip ties and never seen one or dealt with them. They referred me to a children’s dentist. The dentist said the procedure is pretty easy takes less the 5 mins to get it fixed but the child would have to sit still so they can numb the area. My daughter is a year old and doesn’t understand yet that she needs to sit still so then they’d have to put her completely under and basically do surgery. Me and her father decided not to do that right now we will just wait till she’s a bit older and can sit still for the 5 mins. She already got teeth and the gap is already there removing it right now isn’t gonna make the gap close or anything 🤷🏽♀️
@its.sarah, (copy & pasted my question) as far as getting it “fixed”, did you have to take your LO to the pediatrician to get it diagnosed and recommended to go to a dentist? Or did you just take LO to the dentist?
@starrbaby, as far as getting it “fixed”, did you have to take your LO to the pediatrician to get it diagnosed and recommended to go to a dentist? Or did you just take LO to the dentist?