@ella_j_heart, it's very common, do you really think mothers want to hear how their babies were screaming and crying. My head nurse always tells me to just say the baby did great
I couldn't do it, as a nurse I have seen circumcision and how brutal it is. Not only that but we have to lie to the parents telling them their baby did great. My husband isn't circumcised thank God
I couldn't. After I held him this fist time I just couldn't put him through it. He's had no issues and I've learned so much that I would never do it to any of my baby boys if I ever have more. Definitely no regrets. My momma insticts told me no!
I regret doing it , it just seems super painful and I know everyone says oh he won’t remember but it’s not about him remembering, it’s about him feeling pain at this very moment .
It’s honestly not bad. My son never seemed bothered by it. Just make sure to keep lots of Vaseline on it until it’s fully healed. If you think anything doesn’t look right/worried about it just give your baby’s pediatrician a call. I know I called them often with questions the first few weeks. Lol
We’re having another boy and he’ll also be circumcised while we’re still at the hospital when he’s born.
Which aspect of it? It's scary, but for us, it is what needed to happen. The procedure itself is very quick. We kept lots of Vaseline on it at every diaper change until it healed.