Today i had a scan with a specialist and they confirmed that my son has a partial cleft lip. Any ladies here with experience that have had children with a cleft in the past? Im just feeling worried and scared.
@wm_pink, with the cleft palate yes. But there are special bottles called the haberman special needs feeders that work wonders. But honestly they won’t be able to tell about a cleft palate on an ultrasound.
@wm_pink, hmm okay I’ll be 18/6 tomorrow so I’ll probably bring it up. Thank you.
also there’s this page on Instagram that belongs to a mom with twins, one with a cleft her IG is @shesdeedash if you have an Instagram you should check her page out., when did they find out she had a cleft? I’ve been reading so much it’s one of my concerns to bring up tomorrow at my appt but Idk if it’s too soon to tell.
Also OP sorry for hijacking your post