Wendy Monroy
United States, South Carolina, Taylors


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Is it bad that I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow and i just want my baby out? 😬 im over the belly and so ready to meet him. Tell me im not the only one??😩
nap.queen It’s only bad if you actually try to induce yourself. Felling uncomfortable and anxious is completely normal.
wm_pink No not trying to induce myself just impatient. Thanks ladies i never felt so impatient with my
zaynesmommy1889 I'll be 37wks Saturday and I feel the same!!!!
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So im 36 weeks and i know baby could come anytime but i have a cold if he was to be born while i am still sick will the baby come out sick too??😭
mommytobe2k17 I was sick when I had my daughter but I breastfed and I was told the milk
haslberry The baby will not be born with a cold. You are helping build your child's immunity against
wm_pink Ok thanks ladies for the input i feel better now knowing he will be ok 😊
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Will he look like mom or dad?? Everyone says dad🙄
wm_pink @bella4mommy, you think so? Usually boys do. Thanks☺️
wm_pink @bella4mommy, aww atleast you have a princess. This will be my third boy but one of my
wm_pink @bella4mommy, thank you! You still have a while to meet your lil man so enjoy your pregnancy!
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I think he looks like daddy. What you guys think?? 😱
mamacryan13 So cute! Yes I agree!
wm_pink Everyone’s that has seen his ultrasound say its definitely his twin lol
brittney.arp11 Lol yes!!!!
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So i think my son will look like his dad. What do you ladies think?? Just for fun.
wm_pink @angelbrownell26, awww okay. No it can happen randomly but his is just 1 side of the lip.
angelbrownell26 @wm_pink amen im praying too
wm_pink @angelbrownell26, thank you☺️
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Today i had a scan with a specialist and they confirmed that my son has a partial cleft lip. Any ladies here with experience that have had children with a cleft in the past? Im just feeling worried and scared.
1 @raqueliiosiis, my 20 week ultrasound. We only knew about her cleft lip. Not the rest until I
raqueliiosiis, thank you for sharing.
wm_pink, oh okay my friend has a baby with a cleft palate and i see how she
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