To cover or not to cover? That is the question. Baby is exclusively breast fed and refuses to take a bottle. Baby is under 6 months. You're out in public, baby starts to fuss due to hunger, what do you do? Let baby cry or breastfeed baby.... *gasps* in public 😨😨😨
It's just insane that in a lot of places women are made to feel embarrassed and ashamed of fulfilling the needs of their baby because society is overly sexually stimulated. Breasts sole purposes are to nourish human babies, no one gets bent outta shape when animals do it wherever they are
Free the nip! I never use a cover. My kids get hot and sweaty and won’t latch if I do. I use an under shirt/tank top and a t shirt. The under shirt covers my belly and the t shirt covers the top of my boob.
I just bought some breastfeeding shirts and never looked back. At first I was nervous to BF in public but after the first time I was good to go. Do what you are comfortable with.
I didn't think any of those things and I breastfed uncovered in a very conservative area of Utah. Baby's needs come first so everything else was irrelevant to me. I did use the 2 shirt method for my own comfort.
Um I feed my child if there hungry why wouldn’t we ? and not cover especially in the summer it’s hot as hell if no one likes it don’t look that’s like us saying wrapping someone up in blanket when it’s 100 degrees outside no thank you ☺️
My baby neverrrr took a bottle or pacifier. I breasted him straight from the boob for a little over a year. I usually always used my cover unless at home. I never thought to do the 2 shirt method, I’m definitely going to try that with baby #2
@sweetsap88, yea I always wear 2 shirts anyway. But basically I wear a tank top under my shirt. Lift the top shirt up and only pull down the tank top so really nothing is exposed
@sweetsap88, no you wear a cami under your shirt. Pull up you t-shirt and down the cami and bra so only your nipple is out. Works well. My preferred method.
There is nothing sexy about breastfeeding. Especially for the mom. And men who think it is are freaking gross. That reminded me. I had an ad on a breast milk site to sell my milk. Put the ad up like 8 months ago. I got an email the other day from a guy requesting to send me 10-15 min video of me pumping. Said my face didn’t have to be in it and he would pay me via pay pal and amazon gift cards for the baby. I’ve never been so weirded out on my life.