Brooke Hickman
Brooke Hickman
I have 3 kids that I want to start making them do chores around the house.
Ages 5 , 4, and 3.
What chores do yiu!have your kids doing at that age?

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@modom16 no I dont.
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@brookehayes585, do you have a swiffer sweeper thing? I have my oldest go around the house with that thing he loves doing it. Just make sure they don’t run with it, I learned that the hard way.
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
My daughter will be three in oct. she throws her diapers away, helps get things for her sister, picks up her toys, puts her dishes in the sink, helps feed the dogs, and helps do the laundry.
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you all. My mind went blank when making up a chore chart thing for them. A lot of those will work but a few won't (we don't own a dish washer and they aren't allowed in the basement which is where our laundry is done, and we don't have a garden lol)
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
When my DD was too she started helping me load the washing machine with clothes then she push the button then she'd help me take them out and put them in the dryer and she pushed the button then she would follow behind me when they were done and she pick them up if I dropped any she would help me fold of course I just ended up looking like a big ball and I wouldn't leave it and then fix it while she wasn't looking, LOL. She help me empty just the plastic dishes out of the dishwasher she cleaned up her own toys I'm sure she would use her little broom and dustpan to help me sweep. Now she's four and she still helps me do all that she dusts also makes her own bed clears her own place at the table she helps me weed the yard she helps me carry groceries into the house and helps me put them away. Stuff like that
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
They can sweep, fold laundry, make their bed, feed pets, water plants, set table for meals, help with meals, putting away their toys, pick up their room
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Loading dishwasher, unloading dishwasher, clearing the table, making their beds, help unload the washer to put in dryer. Help fold laundry, water your garden, pick up toys, etc
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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