Today my son had his 9mo checkup. He should weigh 500 more grams, according to the WHO chart. My doctor said we could start supplementing with formula because after 6 months, breastfeeding isn’t as beneficial and formula is fortified.
He’s hitting all his milestones, eating solids (since 6 months), and is very happy and active... but she said he needs more energy from his food. He isn’t skinny or lethargic, has a good appetite, and he’s been cruising the furniture for the last month.
Any suggestions or advice? Should I supplement with formula? I was feeling pretty good about nursing still, but now I’m not so confident after this last visit. 😕

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@tapwater, lol oh ok lol i slept at like 630 am im a little off today😂
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mamachey, haha, no I was agreeing with YOU. 😆
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thats def what ment by introducing !
I wouldn’t sub thats for sure and ebf till 1 year and do extended bf for once up to 3 1/2 years
Just this 4 th child did i give early and it was only when he would ask or i would ask him if he wants ( we have good communication) so it may just be a banana coin mashed one day and the next day they may not . I didnt mean start feeding jar food daily just introduce / familiarize them sorry if you misunderstood.
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mamachey, I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing. Slowly introducing foods, not replacing my milk with solids or formula. Enfamil doesn’t custom blend for my baby, but my breasts do. I have an appointment to see a new doctor for him later this month. I don’t like this current doctor and it works out because I just found out she’s moving away anyway. My baby is very well and I think this whole episode is a really great example of a doctor not giving the best advice. But I’m a ftm and (possibly) prone to overreact, so... 🤷🏻‍♀️
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn’t listen personally , at the very most i might introduce a couple foods like avocado, or banana , or possibly steamed sweet potato .

Ive been either breastfeeding or pregnant over 10 years now literally (4 children and pregnant with 5th) not everyone will have the same opinion medically sometimes you have to get a second opinion or go with instinct
07.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beakymcspence, thanks! He seems to be doing ok, and breastfeeding was recommended so much during my pregnancy, I just don’t understand why the hospital, the home visit nurse, and now the doctor all want us to use formula when breastfeeding is working. He’s so obviously fine. When the zombies rise, we’ll be glad for my supply!

@bebe-, that info is helpful, thanks! Reading it to my husband made me feel better. Kellymom is such a huge website and I didn’t even think to look there. Also, there isn’t an IBCLC close, but there are definitely LCs in my city.
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
If he’s eating solid food you should be fine momma, and it kind of sounds like she may just be pushing her formula opinion. Which is common many doctors feel formula supplementation is beneficial, but when they are eating solids 🤷‍♀️ I’ve never supplemented my kids and they always had a healthy appetite and were little chubbers lol Don’t let it break your confidence! I’m not saying formula is bad, but do what feels right for you!
06.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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