Alanna Bullock
I just really need to vent blessed to have my little boy but i highly despise my sons biological father (not the guy im dating ). He will message me and pick and choose when he wants to be a so called dad or father and you cant do that. You cant go back on saying i dont want the kid unless i have u and if u aint gonna give me that. Then i dont eanna talk to you but then hit me up and be mad at me bc im speaking facts on how u. Are piss poor and childish . Wish i could just move away so i dont even have to risk seeing his dumb self
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@mimixtmn, yes he abuses her as well per her previous post. Regardless - no man would call my child stupid and aggravating (which she said has happened repeatedly) or he’d be out on the street.

@elijahsmom, the baby is only 2 months old and you’ve said you’ve blocked him several times. It sounds as if you’re making it very difficult for him to be a Dad. If he does take you to court and gets proof of the lack of character your current SO has... you’re not going to be happy with the outcome. Know your worth and be single for a while. Rise up and be the parent your child deserves and don’t allow him to be abused.

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@sorcha see his family wants to be involed. His biological dadbjuat dont want to at times but i just might try that

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Am I the only one who would report these "men" to CPS? I'd leave them and if they wanted contact they would need to get a court order. But before they did that I'd report their behaviour to my local CPS. Basically putting them on alert for my ex's shitty behavior. I would make it hard for him to spend time with his kids if he treats them like crap. If he was verbally abusive to me I'd let my local police know. Basically, give them the situation and let them know that you want to report in case something happens. I'd make a nice clear paper trail in case he or his family ever wanted to be involved.

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@laniejay, girl I’m totally with you nobody can verbally abuse my child biological father or not. Anyone and I mean anyone tried calling my child let alone baby those names I would probably end up in jail. I totally agree with you too if her child’s father gets any knowledge of the pos she will loose custody in a heart beat. And if that doesn’t happen when the child gets school aged red flags will be thrown and cps will get involved and remove that child.

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@mimixtmn, yes he abuses her as well per her previous post. Regardless - no man would call my child stupid and aggravating (which she said has happened repeatedly) or he’d be out on the street.

@elijahsmom, the baby is only 2 months old and you’ve said you’ve blocked him several times. It sounds as if you’re making it very difficult for him to be a Dad. If he does take you to court and gets proof of the lack of character your current SO has... you’re not going to be happy with the outcome. Know your worth and be single for a while. Rise up and be the parent your child deserves and don’t allow him to be abused.

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@mimixtmn i would let his dad be a dad if he didnt consotantly go back on his words

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Imo you need to let the father be a father if he’s trying your baby is only 2 months old and you need to at least give him a chance, even if he isn’t doing what he’s suppose to at the moment. My sons father is mia in his life, I allowed him to see my child when he asked until he started showing himself unfit around when my son was 4, he hasn’t asked to see him since he’s now 11.

I think you have chosen “boys” not men and really need to leave the boyfriend who is verbally abusing your 2 month old and concentrate on yourself and your son for awhile so you can eventually heal and find a real man who will treat you like a queen and be a positive male role model for your son. You may not realize it but men like your so only raise boys to be just like them and I cannot see any mother wanting their son to grow up to an abusive pos. Does he verbally abuse you too? I hope you really know the cycle of abuse and know that his verbal abuse will turn physical it’s only a matter of time.

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@micjulzac3 me and him just live j. The same state and city the last tome i talked to him was yesyerday and i blocked him from everuthing i have

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@laniejay it dosent matter if he does or dosent . Not like he wants his kid

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It sounds like you haven’t chosen the best men in your life. You need to show your son how to be a real man and neither one are a great example. Time to get rid of the one you have no ties to, learn to coparent with the other and stand on your own for a bit. Does he know your boyfriend calls your baby stupid and aggravating?

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You domt need a man like that or any man to help raise your baby. Just cut him off completely that is what I did 20 years ago with my oldest. He would threaten to take me to court every 6 months to a year and I would just say go for it buddy he finally gave up. But my son wanted to meet him when he was 15 and I let him. He understood why I did what I did.

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