Hi ladies! I'm pretty sure I have SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction). I have not been diagnosed but everything I've read sounds exactly like what I'm going through. I'm in so much pain and only 26 weeks! I have an appointment Friday but wanted to see if anyone on here has similar experiences that have found some relief.

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@cartergirl08, I feel your pain! I had the worst hip pain only left side which was weird (but found out that when I stand I put more weight on that side) when I was last pregnant with my daughter 2 years ago it was worse when I walked,turned in bed, opened my legs, pushed heavy objects etc I felt like my hip was broken and I just wanted to rip it out! The only thing that helped me was going to see a Physical therapist and a chiropractor thank god I don’t have it as bad with it this pregnancy now I feel my hip needs to pop and I have to do these crazy insane stretches to help me
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ajowens1547 yeah, mine started about 3 weeks ago and continues to get worse. Today is probably the worst it's been thus far. I've used ice packs and heating pads. They offer some relief but it's very temporary.
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was going to ask my OB about this today!! I have been in so much pain especially when trying to like even barely lift my leg. It started at 24 weeks and it has only got worse for me. I have noticed though when I take warm baths or apply ice when I'm SUPER sore it helps. And sleeping with a pillow between my knees.
05.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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