Hi, I'm Demetra 🤗
So im the bad guy because I dont want my baby father around my kids by herself ? I dont know her so I cant trust her . I be seeing so many statuses on FB of girls saying if they boyfriend have a baby mama & the baby at the house they going to throw fruit snacks at they head or put pacifers in they twat like wtf how about the woman that be hurting other people babies on the news ? Am I wrong for wanting to protect my babies from somebody I dont know ???
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They’ve only been together a week? No I wouldn’t leave my child with anyone after that length of time.

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Big shame smh

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@goingtobemotherof4babies thank you exactly ! Its really a shame

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Naw he trying to control u he dont want u to meet his lady and he wants to have ur kids around the gurl but yet u cant have the kids around a guy u dating if u dating smh thats typical for guys u cant do this and that but they can fuk sry for how im talking just upsets me how some guys think theyre the shyt abd they can do w.e they want but when us females do it is so wrong come on

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@mariapb yeah I can see if they've been dating for a couple months or years I would have no problem but idk her he probably barely does either

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@goingtobemotherof4babies I honestly don't know & he wont tell me why

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@leahdeere I asked him so what if I found a boyfriend & he wanted to be there for the kids or be around & meet you & he said no he dont care he dont want him around him or our children im just like wtf okay if he keeps her in hiding & I never get to meet her them I will never get comfortable with her around them I don't understand what the deal is

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And I also wouldn’t want to meet her a week in to their relationship either.

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They’ve only been together a week? No I wouldn’t leave my child with anyone after that length of time.

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Wth why he doesnt want u to meet her?

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@deejd, That’s not okay! You have every right to meet someone (a new woman especially) who is going to be around YOUR baby. I’d be uneasy about that too!

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@leahdeere I haven't met her yet & my baby father doesn't want me to meet her at all if he would stop acting like that & It met her & got to know the real her then I wouldn't mind her being there for the kids

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Have you met her yet? Has she given you any reason to be wary of her?

I totally understand your paranoia. It’s the mommy in us. My girls’ dad dated a girl once who I totally got the vibe would hurt my children. She didn’t want to meet them, didn’t want to meet me. I invited them to lunch and she said okay but it never happened. Thankfully things ended with them. Now for 2 years about my ex has been with a different girl and she is the sweetest thing and loves my girls. Buys them clothes, does their hair, gives them baths. To be honest I’m always disappointed when she’s at work when my ex has them cause I know she’s way more attentive with them than he is lol.

Not every new girl is a horror story just because of some Facebook posts! By the way that is some messed up sounding posts o.o

Definitely get to know her! Good luck!

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Im the same way i have 5year old daughter and she stays home with her dad while i work and once i have my baby in oct or before ima stay home and watch the kids i dont want no daycare people watching my kids been hearing seeing shyt that shouldnt not be going on it scares me to death

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@amysbabies they haven't even been in a relationship for a whole week yet & I wouldn't Have no problem getting to know her but im not going to be able to do that if he wont let me idk her name or how to contact her

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@goingtobemotherof4babies thank you like if I had a new boyfriend I wouldn't even have him around my kids I'm even scared for my son to go to daycare but when he starts talking in full conversations then maybe I will feel a lil more comfortable so he can tell me when somethings wrong & my baby father is not going to let me meet his new woman So I just cant trust it

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