Trina j
Trina j
My doctor has me spun around... So I went to do the confirming blood test and I told him that I took several at home tests. One that included how far long, which it said 2-3 wks. When I said that to my doc he can't be? Doesn't ask me when I took the test or anything. Then he says you get pregnant in like a couple days?? 
I track my period and the dates of conception that came up were the dates of my most fertile time??? 
So I don't know and no I didn't ask in the moment unfortunately. But it weired me out because Im not sure what he meant by that lol. 
Alright that's my rant.... Any insight would be cool or similar dating stories.... I don't know guess I felt like sharing...

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Sound like my story I am 15 weeks and 5 days pregrant with baby 2 did a Dr pregnancy test faint postive than bhcg test 208 ultrasound to early than did another hcg test was 14,400 and it was run around now baby 2 due in Nov 20
04.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Aah ok ok @ ultrasound. I get the results Monday but I'm sure it will say positive. Period is over a week late now.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
You won't get a more accurate date until your dating ultrasound. Don't stress over it until that confirms your date.
01.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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