Just a question to all mamas ... is it ok to let my 1 month old sleep 5-6 hours before she wakes for a feed? She’s been eating, gaining weight, giving me wet and poopy diapers.. first time mom so I just have to ask 😩 thank u :) 💕
First time mom here also my daughter is turning 4 month my pediatrician said never to wake for a feed they will let you when they are hungry as long as you like said they are gaining weight and have wet and dirty diapers
@xoamby, haha omggg idk what it is.. I mean I take her out during the day and it gets hot, so maybe it’s the heat that wears her out but I keep her cool.. and then she sleeps in a dockatot at night. :)
@emmy.0802, haha thank you! Ugh we’ll see if it lasts.. I think maybe it’s because she puts herself down to sleep so late. I don’t know but I just wanted to find out from other moms if it was normal
I’m sure it’s fine I had a 33 weeker a month ago and sometimes she sleeps 5-6 hours then eats but I also should be waking her up as she needs to gain weight but that’s awesome