I had back labor with all three of my kids I had no epidural with the first , with my second helped so much I was able to relax and actually sleep and concentrate when it was time to push...didn't do much for the third I was still miserable... I'm getting one for this last baby so hopefully it will go like my second one did
I’ve had a pre-existing lower back injury for years and pregnancy has exacerbated it... this is my first pregnancy but I’m definitely going to get it, since I already have excruciating pain when I move, sit, stand, or lay down. Can’t imagine that pain on top of being in labor!
I was for me. The injection goes high up in your back and they numb you first so it’s easy as pie. I was having a pretty bad contraction when I got mine both times and the feeling of the pain leaving while the monitor still showed the contraction hadn’t peaked yet was soooooo freaking amazing.
I had two natural births and my last one two years ago was a epidural and it was the best feeling ever!! It made labor and my experience so much more relaxing and peaceful♥️I’m going to try to go natural but if I feel that’s it’s too much for myself or SO then I will give in and ask for one. I want my labor to be beautiful like the ones in the movies where the momma looks so gorgeous and happy to push and not have to scream and pop all the blood vessels on my face😂
I didn’t have any issues I got it twice. The first time I was in labor for so long and I just needed to sleep so I gave in and got it. The second time I got it I felt like I needed it. I was in so much pain. I didn’t have complications during or after.