Ashley Row
Ashley Row
So my ex went to court and filed for visitation rights. I was served last week. I am not comfortable with our daughter being around him alone nor his mother which he lives with. I have proof of him asking me to take his drug test for his job for him in text messages and him texting me he was too high to drive and get our daughter milk. Is that enough to show the judge? As far as his mother she watches his son quite often and told us she gives him nighttime medicine if she has problems getting him to go to sleep at night. (Claims she did it with my ex when he was little too) And she FaceTimed us once mid day while taking his son back to his mother, she gave him night time medicine bc she didn’t want him talking the whole ride and wanted him to sleep. He was so out of it. It just scares me to leave her alone with them.

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@ashleyshantel1 ok, before you respond to the "write of Summons" my advice to you ,is to reach out to an attorney... If you can't afford one personally- you can go down to the court house and file paperwork for one to be appointed for you... There is a fee for this , here in Ohio it's a $25 fee... You would have to show proof- that you cannot "personally" afford an attorney on your own... Examples of proof- work income (tax paper), if you receive any sort of public assistance... At that point, once you're approved they'll have a public defender appointed to you... That public defender will want copies of whatever papers you have received in the mail- then that public defender will respond on your behalf.... But- you have to move fast, bc you only have 30days to respond- and sometimes it takes a little time...
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I haven’t received anything in the mail. Just what the sheriff served me with. That’s the only thing I’ve received
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes I received a Writ of Summons and have 30 days to respond
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh okay, thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me I really appreciate it.
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ashleyshantel1 Have you received any papers in the mail- stating he has filed to go forth with visitation?
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ashleyshantel1 More than likely- he went based off of your name. They'll have all information in the system... They can pull up files too- where his name was put on the birth certificate...
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Typically in every state- a father has to establish a paternity test, in order to receive visitation or custody... But- they will start paper work before the paternity test is done- due to the fact it can at times be a bit of a process... But- once paternity test is done- without a doubt he will have to pay child support.
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
No it’s not. It’s wrong on both. And only I have all the paperwork from the hospital as far as documentation. I’m in the process of getting it corrected myself
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ashleyshantel1 Is her name spelled correctly on her social security card?
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@danielzamor2007, I’m in Maryland and I was reading where it says paternity needs to be established. Now he is on the birth certificate but her birth certificate spells her name wrong and needs to be fixed so how was he able to file for visitation without correct documentation?
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ashleyshantel1 What State are you in? Typically for "unmarried" couple's, the father would have to establish a paternity test before going forth- for filing for visitation/custody. In most cases this is at the father's expense! At that point, he'd be held to pay child support too... But- with that said I have seen cases where no paternity test was involved in the case as well... There's alot of factors they take into consideration.
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@danielzamor2007, I’m not sure if you could answer this question but do you know if a father would have to establish paternity before filing for visitation if not married?
12.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fuhgeddaboudit AND out of the mouth of babe's- "I'LL TAKE WHAT YOU SAY WITH A GRAIN OF SALT" You go play with your mathematics and I'll continue to fight the rights for children that need a voice... Don't try to belittle the work I do and the success that I have achieved... Go make a breakthrough on how to tame that volcano in Hawaii and let me worry about the job that I do! 😉 You can take your thoughts and opinions "DEARIE" and shove them up where the sun don't shine 🌥️ Again, go try to argue with someone else- because as I previously stated before I'm no match for the level of your ignorance... Now you have yourself a great day " DEARIE"... 😄
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fuhgeddaboudit Oh and before you blocked me lol I seen you're pregnant- so maybe we'll just blame your ignorance on your pregnancy hormones 🤣🤣 Go relax, put your feet up, and take a breath! It's all gonna be ok!
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fuhgeddaboudit I didn't call you names, I just explained to you your behavior, which is ignorant... I'm very confident in my knowledge, that's why I've been trying to get through to you about the advice and examples I gave... That's all 😀 It's all just still going over your head.
30.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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