It’s been about a year since I’ve used this app but I just recently found out I’m pregnant with baby #2 and this was my favorite app while pregnant last time so here I am, I’m back!! It’s nice to see some familiar faces I was pregnant at the same time with. Some already have baby #2 and some are pregnant again like me! So for the past year and 6 months I’ve really been working hard on my health and fitness. Since having my son in nov of 2016 my husband and I have become mostly vegan although I’m more on the vegetarian side since I still indulge every now and then but we’ve mainly dedicated ourselves to clean eating to set a good example for our son. I’ve been consistently working out at the gym since I’ve had my son but only started to really dedicate myself back in November of 2017. My husband and I had been TTC since the start of this year and with every month that I got my period it only pushed me to work harder in the gym. I really wanted to achieve a 6 pack (or close to one) before I got pregnant with baby #2 since I knew it would be awhile before I got back to that state again. So literally the week my mini pack started to appear I found out I was pregnant. It’s pretty funny the way the universe works!! I can’t wait to stay consistent in the gym this pregnancy and see what a difference it’s going to make this time around! Here is a pic of me a week after giving birth to my son , 5 months after and the other is recent (1 year 6 months later)
@kambam, Hey!!!! Thank you!! And yes hahaha that’s exactly how we get pregnant. We can’t just be walkin around the house looking all good and not get pregnant 😆