For those of you that pray, I need you to pray for me please. Here’s specifically what I am praying for right now:
-For God to help remind me that he doesn’t hand out babies as a reward or withhold them as a punishment.
-That one person’s ability to conceive is independent of my ability to conceive (i.e. that “she didn’t get the baby I should get to have/want so badly”)
-In a “bad” situation that a baby is being brought into to remember to pray for the best outcome for that precious child
-To remind me that it’s not my place to judge someone or a situation as undeserving of a child, but to also forgive myself and ask God for forgiveness when those thoughts creep in
-For God to help me treat this woman with grace & support in the coming months in place of jealousy, fear and avoidance
I was blindsided by a “surprise” pregnancy announcement on Instagram of someone close to me who is in a very less than ideal situation last night and I’m struggling big time right now.
These are the exact things I have been praying for myself! Almost the same wording even. We don't get to know God's plan, and that's so hard! We can never understand His timing. It's difficult to keep the right perspective in the situation. Press into Him and He will grant you peace! Best of luck in the future
@kking5113, I said a prayer for you . I also agree with @momof3qtpies, . Focus on the fact that it WILL happen for you! Everyone’s timing is different . You are strong and when your baby gets here you will be so grateful and appreciative . Don’t lose hope or faith 😘chat me any time
I understand how you feel. Took us 13 years to have our 1st. You will get yours too. When we have to fight so hard to make it happen, it is so much more meaningful. Don't let it get you down. Rejoice that another child will be coming into the world. I was always happy about new babies coming, but had a bit of a hatred to pregnant woman. Hard sometimes to fight these feelings. You are in my prayers.