Vent - bad week

I just need to vent to someone who will understand. This week has been absolutely terrible. Sunday morning ryder woke up at 430 throwing up with a fever of 103 and was out all day, so I barely slept and had to try to keep akaia away. Which didn't work and she got his fever tuesday, ryder missed school all week. I ended up starting to get sick on wed and got hit by it Thursday and I'm so down today. I was supposed to go in and get 2 root canals done and had to cancel because I couldn't breathe through my nose. Now I have to wait until next Thursday to get it done and all this mouth breathing is making them hurt worse. I can barely sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time and my eyes/sinuses hurt. Ryder and akaia are both acting like they have colds too. And I Started throwing up last night to top it all off. DH and I have been fighting, he blames me not having my period yet (which I already mentioned in another post) and since he was taking care of me the past few days he's been really short with the kids, he actually held ryder down until he listened to him. He thinks all 3 year olds should listen and follow directions all the time apparently. He also doesn't get how hard it is to be sick and deal with 2 kids who are sick too and add breastfeeding to the mix lol. And now my in laws are coming up today, which I was really excited about. They are taking us to a basketball game, which will be akaias first and ryders second and it is looking like I an going to be missing it :(
9.2 лет

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