Anyone know a how to help keep yourself comfortable while your hips realign and your spd ligament pain goes away?? I was hoping the spd would stop after I had him but I still feel like my groin is tearing in half when I try to get up 😑
@summerdream, the pain my doctor said was normal during the pregnancy and would go away awhile after he was born. It's only been 6 days so I'm hoping it gets better with time. If it lasts longer than I'll definitely go in or let her know at my 6 week visit.
@toridewey, that doesn’t sound good. Have you checked in with a chiropractor? They might be able to help. And if that doesn’t work you might need to get checked out by a general practitioner to make sure everything’s okay.
I saw a chiro after I gave birth after a year and despite visiting and getting readjusted my hips still disallign. I’m still trying to figure out why :/
@summerdream, thank you. My back only hurts if I've been doing too much. It's mainly my hips bothering me to where laying on my side seems to make it worse like they are collapsing in on themselves. The laying on my back with a pillow under both legs seems to be helping though 😊
Well all I know is that since I’ve had my second kid even after a year I have low back pain. Hips constantly disalligning. Idk if the epidural did that. I had csextions for both my kids and...I didnt have it with my first. I hope your back heals quickly from whatever it could be that’s causing it. The pillow in between legs help too.
If you lay on your back then try a pillow under your legs. It's gonna hurt for a while till you get strength back honestly. I'd keep up on the ibuprofen for pain and swelling