breastfeeding/comfort sucking

Okay dd is 1 month and it seems like anytime I am around her she has to either be attached to my boob or she's screaming her head off. Now I'm already back at work so I know it just has to be my scent she smells or maybe she smells the milk on me but she's a little angel for my grandma(daycare) & my mom. They both said she will sleep then eat every 3/4 hours play a little and go back to sleep. I have a paci which has helped a little only problem is she can't keep the dang thing in her mouth half the time lol.
9 лет

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Dd was the same way till about 3 months. Now @ 4 she is much better. Hang in there!

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Dd was the same way till about 3 months. Now @ 4 she is much better. Hang in there!

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It's a faze. She will get better soon enough. My son was the same exact way and I felt like I was going nuts. Now at 3 months he is so much better.

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I agree with the previous posters. She still brand new! Only been on the planet for 30 days. Just wants to be close to mommy like she was for 10 months :)

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This too shall pass

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Good to know , I never breastfed this long with my last so I'm glad its normal.

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Well she's going through some major growth spurts now. She knows you are food and she's comfortable with you. It's perfectly normal for her to be clingy lately.

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