month older

For babies born on (29th and 30th for February) and the 31st. When do they become a month older when you're on a month that doesn't have that day.
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The last day of the month I would say. My cousin was born on February 29th and she likes to celebrate her birthday the 28th and the 1st. Haha.

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The last day of the month I would say. My cousin was born on February 29th and she likes to celebrate her birthday the 28th and the 1st. Haha.

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I thought she meant February 29+ because it comes once every four years.. am I right?

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She meant on a 30 of a different month . as in baby was born January 30 , but February goes only yo 28 or 29

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30th for February? There is no 30th? Am I not getting this? My DS was born on July 31. I don't say the 1st is his birthday; the 31st is. I was so happy too because my mom's side of the family have always had their first borns born in July (me, my mom, her mom, etc.) I wasn't planning on this at all, but fate and legacy made it happen! I was even supposed to be induced on August 5th, but got induced after a NST on July 30th!

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Ds1 is a halloween baby and we would always use the 31st or the 1st.

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My son was born on the 31st of July. I consider him another month older on the 1st of every month.

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I had my anniversary with my ex on January 31st, we always celebrated on the 30th

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I would say the first day of the next month.

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Ha never thought about that. I have no idea, i don't have any kids born on those days. Good one!

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