Quiet Toddler =TROUBLE

This is why when your 1 year old is quiet, they are probably doing something wrong

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Haha oh no :/ when my daughter is quite she is reading lol she's ver behaved right now at 14 months I'm not sure why lol
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
Peyanme-she is a troublemaker!!! She is following in her older sister's footsteps. I think it's because they share a birthday. I just hope she doesn't put me through hell the way Hannah did.
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
lol omg! trouble maker!
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
i had the same thing the other day.i was feeding the baby and the toddler came over,i said poo you stink and then noticed she had poo all over her hand and face and some on her arms and legs too :-( so gross.
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
I'm pretty sure she tried to eat it too. It was around her mouth. I made sure to brush her teeth.
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
Aw, I'm sorry about the poop. Mine colored all over her brand new chair with a sharpie marker... Needless to say the chair is ruined look wise (black on light pink) but still usable.
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
ive been there lol. except my dd ate hers too. the other day i noticed she pooped so i went to get her a diaper and as i was coming back into the room i saw her digging around in her diaper. nasty baby lol
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
All my girls have done so many things over the years, I can't help but laugh. I'm sure she'll hate me in 10-15 years when I'm telling all her friends about it☺
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
I'm glad you laughed. Now I don't feel mean for lmbo reading this! Tub of play doh got me ????

But yes, anytime I hear silence I get worried and run to see what she's doing.
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
I laughed so hard, I said that's what I get for not checking on you for 2 minutes!
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
lmao....not funny at the time i am sure...but omg...i am terrified of what my lo will do!
10.01.2013 Нравится Ответить
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