My brothers dad died
So my brothers dad died on father's day. He was the typical bitter ex - 30 years after his divorce with my mom he STILL talked crap about her to my two brothers. Like really? He died pretty suddenly after being sick maybe 2 weeks. And his last days were filled with the same petty drama as always - he didn't want his adult children (33 and 35) telling their mother that he was ill. Which caused them to fight and one told my mom everything while the other remained loyal to dad. The loyal one even wrote a beautiful heartwarming eulogy about how wonderful his dad was.
I'm not sure what the norm is but if I die, everything goes to DH; since it's OUR money, OUR house, etc and he'll have to take care of OUR bills, and DS). But if he dies, 50% goes to me and the other 50% to SS.....