Natalie Buelvas
Natalie Buelvas

This came up on another post. If your kid is with your ex, would you want ex to send you pictures of them having fun? Would you want stepmom to do the same if dad wasn't around?

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I only ever send pictures to my ex of our daughter and he hardly ever responds so I stopped. Doubt I'll send pictures to hex.
06.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I send pics occasionally with HEX, especially when he's being super cute with my DS (Not my OH bio) and he does too. If X would want to even see my DS then I'd want photos too for my own sanity.
05.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Me and my ex picture send every once in awhile. When it's special like a holiday or her first at something. Then exs mom sends me some sometimes. But me and him usually both try to have her and see her on holidays so we both get that special moment I guess. But we do occasionally. Now Hex not so much. But I rarely talk to her. Not that we fight or she doesn't like me. Just no need I guess since her and df have a good relationship. But when he's working on the road she'll send a few pictures every once in awhile to him. Other than that just phone calls and text updates lol. But again we usually see her during important doctors appointments and holidays and such. I also see them around town daily lol
04.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I send pics to my ex. Usually like once a week I'll just sit down and unload my camera roll on him lol. Usually special moments/events or videos of the kids being funny. I have a 1 year old so I think everything he does is hilarious. Hex does not send SO pics. She will send them to his mom and he gets them from her. Ex does not send me pics because he never has my kids. We live in different states although that is supposed to change next month. I also send pics of the kids to his mom. My baby with SO is due in Oct and I'm not sure if the pic sending will change after its birth because it will be in the pics. I don't think ex and his mom want pics of my baby lol
03.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
We use to before hex turned into a psychotic B and didn't want any contact with me cause I'm not his parent lol she did like a whole 360 ?? Dh doesn't bother sending pics but I would cause I was a parent but she lost out on that cause she wanted to be crazy. If my kid has a step I would love it ?
03.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
When ex actually saw his kid i did like to get pics.. because i wanted to see that she was alright. That was mostly for my own sanity (not that i told him that) and i would once in a blue moon send a picture.
03.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hex sends pics and videos to me (SO has a restraining order on her) of their kids, usually at school events or doing sports. I've sent her a few pics back, but never with my kids or me in them. If she hadn't initiated sending pics I never would've done it but she always thanks me when I send them (and she's usually nasty and would have no problem telling me where to shove my pics if she didn't appreciate it).

My kids ask me to send pics to their dad of things they want to show him, and vice versa, like if I take them fishing and they want him to see the fish they caught. But if they didn't ask I wouldn't do it.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
We used too. Sometimes she still sends special occasion ones to my dh or if SS ask us to take a pic and then send it to his mom we do. He doesn't ask so much anymore. He's 8 he knows his parents don't get along

He used to want to send her pics of me and him to prove to her that he was having fun, that he liked me, and that I was his stepmom. Clearly I didn't let those pics get sent as she is not a nice person
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Hex has only sent dh a pic once the 4 years we've been together and that was when sd got all dolled up for a birthday party. Dh will rarely reply to her texts, let alone send her pics lol.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
We never send pictures to HEX. DF and HEX are friends on FB and so I'll tag him in all pictures of the skids and she mentions at swaps how she saw them.

I'm with nrj I don't want to poke the bear...I'm sure she would find something wrong in the picture ?

HEX on the other hand sends pictures all the time. She will send pictures of them eating dinner, doing "homework", riding in the car or just random grocery shopping pictures. DF enjoys getting pictures but when the motive behind it is to make DF jealous it takes away from the joy.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I saw this I send pictures, to our son. Like when he's over at his dads and I call our son asks me to send pictures so he can show his dad. We have a crap relationship tho I used to send pictures when he was little and his dad asked me to stop cause he didn't care ??‍♀️
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
We send pictures occasionally like the first day of school or Halloween, as we alternate every year. I wouldn't be ok with her asking for pics all the time though.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't send any pictures to DF ex. She made it clear she would rather not have any communication with me. Unless she starts it lol.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Biomom asks for pictures all the time. I send her whatever I have that is just SD. I don't send her any pics with my son in them, only singles of SD. She asks so often that most of the time I only have 1 or 2 new pictures on my phone. We send pics everytime we go somewhere like the zoo or carnival or something. We also make sure we send pictures of her report card or good work she's done in school.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I send pictures of SS to hex but it's random. If she knows we are taking him somewhere fun, then I'll send her a few pictures but if we decide to take the kids somewhere and she wasn't aware I don't send any cause I would like to keep some of our time and pictures for just us as she likes to post every picture I send her on social media and sometimes my bio kids are in them or like I sent her a picture of SS when he went to my DD school for some program and she posted the picture online, luckily there was nothing showing what school my DD went to as we don't announce where our kids go to school on social media.

She normally doesn't send pictures of him so it's because less and less for me to send them but we all are civil enough to send some if the other parent asks or whatnot.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm a step and I used to send pics of ss3 until she took me into the courtroom and got the judge to tell me if I posted any pictures of her son she didn't like then she could get a restraining order against me. After that I stopped. And it stinks bc I would like her to see how much fun he is having and what all we do with him but she can't be nice about it. Ss8 stays with us all summer so I'm always sending pictures to his mom and she appreciates it and every year I print the pictures and put them in an album so he can take it back to Tennessee with him and have them for himself.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I would appreciate it. I want my kids to have fun and be happy when they are with their dad.
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think if you have a decent relationship it's fine. Hex and I used to get along for the most part. She asked me to send pictures on Halloween, I've sent pictures of SDs randomly. She's sent DH and I a group text picture of SD's new hair cut.

Now we've been going through a nasty custody battle and I don't care to deal with her. If she sends DH pictures he shows me. If we win custody back like we expect I won't be going far out of my way to do anything for her as far as keeping her updated and sending pictures anymore like I used to. I figure my roll in this blend is parenting all of our children together with my DH, but she is not my problem ?
02.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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