Yoli Medina
C-section guilt??

I have a scheduled csection this coming Thursday. I'll be 39+4 that day. I wanted him to come on his own. I wish he would come on his own at least a day before so I KNOW he's ready. I just feel like I'm forcing him out. I know it's only a couple of days before I hit 40 weeks so why do I feel so bad?
8.7 лет

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No, you makes sense. You're not against a c-section, vbac scared you, you want him out but you're scared he won't be ready by your scheduled c-section. Right ?

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No, you makes sense. You're not against a c-section, vbac scared you, you want him out but you're scared he won't be ready by your scheduled c-section. Right ?

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It's not that I don't want a csection. I just feel bad getting him out and not knowing if he's ready.

ETA: I know I'm probably not making any sense ?

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If you don't want a caesarean, hold out. Just because it's scheduled doesn't mean you have to show up if you aren't comfortable with it.

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If there is no medical reason then tell your dr you want to wait and see if you can go into labor on your own.

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You could always put off the c section and just see what happens.


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If no medical reason you have every right to say no.

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If I go into labor before my scheduled section then I'd try for vbac. Although that scares me too. Lol.

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Have you thought about trying for a vbac? I know not everyone who has already had a csection wants to vbac and that's fine but if baby is healthy and you're feeling guilty ask your doctor about doing a vbac.

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Well, you can always say no if everything is looking good.

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The reason for the cesarean? No medical reason I guess. That's just when he scheduled me for my repeat section. My actual due date is Aug 2nd so he scheduled it for July 30th.

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