Yoli Medina
What time is it?!

And what are you up to?
9.2 лет

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730 am. Madison thinks it funny to wake up and pull daddy n Andrea s hair.

we got kicked out. I just cleaned my living room (SUPERBOWL!! ) n now I'm crashing.

might make coffee.

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730 am. Madison thinks it funny to wake up and pull daddy n Andrea s hair.

we got kicked out. I just cleaned my living room (SUPERBOWL!! ) n now I'm crashing.

might make coffee.

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7 a.m. Laying in bed as to not disturb DH. I was woken up at 2:50a.m. (Gotta love those friends who call at 3 am for non-emergencies) trying to get back to sleep, not working. Lol

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10.50am in the UK. My OH is upstairs watching the Australian open on his phone while our son is downstairs playing mine craft Grr and I'm deciding what I could stomach for breakfast. It takes me hours to feel well enough to eat on a morning. Oh and the dog has just done a bonkers session running and rolling around whilst barking. Happy Sunday everyone.

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It's 4:50 aand i woke up about 30 minutes ago to use the restroom but i feel like sh*t so i can't go back to sleep ?

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Now 9.26pm in Australia & trying to get my so to have sex while ds is asleep lmao.

He's apparently too tired ??

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4:30am in Missouri...I have horrible heartburn and cannot fall asleep, let alone get comfy. ??

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4:22am in arkansas. Haven't slept yet and now waiting for SO to get off work. Insomnia is not fun.

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Aaand now it's 2:12am and I'm completely regretting that I ate that lasagna ??

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5:09am and pumping.

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10.08 am and the kids are wrecking the living room, complete with as loud as can be siren noises

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8pm here in QLD Australia had tea now lying on the couch under the air conditioning coz it's still stinking hot

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5am, I can't sleep because one of my daughter's toys went off like 5 times, so now I'm creeped out.

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Damn pregnancy nightmare.

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4:50am in Ohio
Just finishing up feeding my dd and then back to bed.

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3:30am in Arkansas. Up with lo since 2am she will not sleep.

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