
Someone broke into our shed. No idea if it was yesterday, last night or today but they stole so much from what I can tell from a quick look. Easily over 2000 in tools. So furious right now I could just spit fire. Saws, nailers, compressors, tool boxes, drill sets, blower, edger, gone. I don't even know how this could have happened under my nose. I literally bought cameras Sunday that should be delivered on Friday. A lot of good that did us.

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Ugh that sux. Our garage was broken into 2 summers ago. In the middle of the day While my husband and kids were on the play set in the backyard. They took mechanic tools, air compressor, nail guns, they opened my car that was in the garage took out my kids DVD players. And they tried to take my husbands rolling drawers tool shelf/box but the car was parked too close! Good thing I took the husbands car that day, bc had I taken mine the garage would have been empty and they could have taken everything they couldn't get. They also took the garage door opener that was in the car. I couldn't believe it when I came home at 3pm and noticed things on the floor that shouldn't be there! I was so upset that it was the middle of the day and my kids were home! The cops came took the report and said they probably took the remote so they can try to come back later. But we immediately changed the codes and remotes.
06.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Cop just left. He said it may have happened yesterday, most likely not last night since is rained pretty heavy. There was a garage two streets over that was broken into yesterday too. We were gone from like 5-9 so I'm sure we just didn't see that the shed was slightly open. I did miss some things, all our fishing gear, a six foot ladder and a few other little things. Who the fack steals a ladder.... They had to have a big truck or van for all of this.
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry ?
I hope things can be recovered and the crook caught
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ugh little pukes!! Have an eye on yard sale site for people trying to sell your stuff then tell the cops!
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
What a****** s.
They sound like they knew what they were doing. Hopefully you find something that is yours at a pawn shop since they ID people video camera's and everything!
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, I called the non emergency line and they said someone would be out in an hour or so. I'm sure they'll ask what all in gone, my husband should be home any minute so he can check if I missed anything. You're right, most pawn shops are pretty good about it. I'll also be looking at the buy sell trade sites in my area too. A lot of the tools are big brands so it may be hard to prove anything even if we were to find some. They had to have taken the lock they broke off, I can't find it anywhere either.
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Did you do a police report?
Try to remember what was stolen have them write it in a report and go to your local pawn shops to see if someone sold them there.
They usually support the community in robberies.
Also if you see something that is yours let them know and give them the number to the detective or cop who took your report.
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
You definitely do molls where you are, although crime can happen anywhere. It's typical pretty safe here, but I think it's just a spike in crime. We get fall over crime from the hilltop and west side just because we're close to there. I called and a sheriff will be out to take a report in an hour or so. I'll just be watching the pawn shops for the next few days.
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
So sorry that happened.. Id love to say their karma will come but that doesnt replace your stuff... Sorry momma!

What ashholes?
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Seriously? I thought we lived in a safe community! This makes me so mad/scared.
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sad and petty that people steal from other people.
People need to go get jobs instead of stealing from hard working people!
05.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
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