hard to not compare.
By 11mo my son was standing independently, taken steps, and started talking. My daughter isn't there yet. I know it's still normal and ever baby is different but it's hard not to wonder
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@newlyironman, so glad to find you from baby bump!!!! And my son too has been developing at his own pace then his other brothers. Both were walking by 9 months and here I am 11 months and just took his first steps two weeks ago

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@newlyironman, so glad to find you from baby bump!!!! And my son too has been developing at his own pace then his other brothers. Both were walking by 9 months and here I am 11 months and just took his first steps two weeks ago

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My son just started crawling at 10 months , he babbles and cruises around but can’t walk independently and he will be 11 Months on the 16th. He’s a friendly kid that looks everyone in the eye and waves to them and picks up on social cues , so I feel like he’s fine . I stopped comparing him to the moms that talk about how advanced their kids are . My husband and I were both early walkers and talkers ... I could sing simple songs by one , but it didn’t make me more successful in life. If anything being told I was smart so much when I was little actually hurt me in the long run, I think. It made me not want to do anything I wasn’t immediately good at and made me actually have less confidence in myself because I never wanted to do anything less than perfect. My uncle has an IQ of 165 and has been a fast food worker his whole life. Some kids can be start athletes but can’t even spell their own name . Everyone is unique .

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I understand! I had 3 different babies with all different strengths and struggles. My first born was speaking in 2 word phrases by 12 months. My last born didn't speak at all until almost 3 years old.

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