I think my 2 month old has reflux.. Anyone with experience know the signs? I know most babies will have it, but mine seems to have it worse than normal.
Doctors will say that, mine did too. I saw a lactation consultant and she highly recommended revision. You have to have baby seen by someone who is specifically trained on this topic. I suggest joining the private ‘Tongue Tie Babies Support Group’ on Facebook and researching it thoroughly online. He was exactly 3 months old. He had an upper lip tie and posterior tongue tie which isn’t seen by the naked eye. The younger the better. The laser procedure was fast, done in seconds, and he had no bleeding. We left and he wasn’t upset at all. A few days later he was a little crabby from tongue being sore. As any muscle would be if it just had a workout (from the new range of motion). His breastfeeding latch wasn’t hurting and awful but he was very gassy which bothered him. He choked gagged and spit up a lot. If the tie is not released it can cause speech and oral hygiene problems later on. A tight frenulum causes babies to compensate and use other muscles to eat and sometimes causes neck and shoulder tension as they grow. They say it doesn’t matter whether you clip or laser, it’s who does it that matters, how skilled they are and how often they do it. Good luck feel free to message me!
@leahcook actually my son does have a tounge tie. Dr's said its slight and it will stretch as he grows but now im wondering if I should have had it cut at the hospital. How was the laser procedure? How old was your baby?
Arching back while eating, spitting up often, congestion upon awakening. Double check for a tongue or lip tie, the symptoms are very similar, google the symptoms for ties and see if your baby has any. My son was diagnosed with reflux only to find out it was his ties. We had them laser revised and those reflux symptoms are gone!