Kristi King
Kristi King
Ladies, I’m struggling big time.

A little background: I’m 37, We have been TTC for nine years, hubby has a child from a previous marriage and had a vasectomy. Shortly after getting married he had his vasectomy reversed and we’ve been trying since. He has always been on board, but he hates all the money(we are self pay) we’ve had to spend and he doesn’t have the strong desire to have a child like I do since he already has a son. We’ve done 4 retrievals and 4 transfers, first transfer was a 3d fresh transfer and was just BFN, the second was an FET with 5d blasts, and was a chemical, the 3rd was with 5d CCS tested embryos and was BFN, after that we did an ERA and found I was pre-receptive so we added an additional day of progesterone before transfer, we got our BFP, but beta started out low, doubled normally for a week and then stopped doubling and were only slowly rising, we finally got above 1000 and did an ultrasound, where they found one small sac but not the other so they diagnosed me as a missed abortion/possible ectopic and treated me with methotrexate. We were absolutely heartbroken & and I’m still struggling. At my follow-up my doctor said that it would not be unreasonable to try one more time with my eggs since the additional day on progesterone was only added this last time, but given my egg score, he thinks we should do it ASAP, otherwise he thinks we should move to donor eggs/embryos.

I had hoped that getting closer to actually having a baby than we ever have before would spark that desire to have our own kids together a little more, but instead he is ready to move on to donor embryos. When we initially talked about our next steps, we got into a pretty big fight because I desperately felt like if this is my last shot at our own biological children we can’t just walk away from that without trying but he feels like everything we’ve tried has failed but now it’s time to try something different. But I feel like it’s easier for him to give up on our genetics because he gets to look at his son everyday. He said he would ultimately leave it up to me, but basically said if I decided to try my own eggs again he was going to like it. (Jerk!) We eventually worked through it a little more and he does understand why it’s so important to me to try again and says he will support me and be 100% on board with another round with my eggs. But now I’m wavering, I feel like the entire weight of this decision has now fallen on me. I’m terrified of it not working and I think with donor embryos, there’s a good chance that by this time next year I could be holding or getting to hold a baby in my arms. Where if it fails - instead I’ll still be trying to figure out where we’ll get the money to try donor embryos. I tried to talk to hubby about all of this last night and now he’s pissed that there is even anything to talk about, he thought we had settled on doing another round and doesn’t understand what the problem is. I try to explain it to him, but it’s like we are speaking different languages right now.

I just can’t decide this on my own, but I feel like he’s refusing to make this a joint decision because he’s not getting what he wants.

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@kking5113, that is so awesome! I’m so happy to hear you and DH are in a better place! I’m glad you’re also going on head first into this decision and realizing that support for you is all you need and get sometimes. Your DH will not always agree. You are lucky for your DH and his support and the more you show him you appreciate him and acknowledge how well he is doing... the happier he’ll feel and hopefully ultimately support you and be on board more!! (Because he’s getting happiness you’re generating for him.). All a beautiful thing. ❤️
13.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@expectinggreatness, thanks for all the advice- you always help! My doctor is kind of an ass and not super open to suggestions from me, so I’ll mention the Medrol, but I’m sure he’ll just look at me like I’m an idiot and tell me why “his” protocol is just right. It’s frustrating! I have been taking supplements and I actually found this fertility challenge that suggests ridding your environment of all endocrine disrupting chemicals (cleaning product & personal care) and eliminating caffeine, sugar, gluten & most importantly trans-fats. So basically my life has no joy and I don’t even have the convenience of a Clorox wipe when I clean 😜 - just kidding - it’s actually going well and making me feel good about doing everything possible to get the best eggs I have left!

@l-cubed, you’re so right! I took your advice and decided to just own my decision and be grateful for the support I get. He and I talked it out and we’re in a much better place and at peace with moving forward with my eggs!

Now I just need my body to cooperate and get back to normal after the miscarriage/methotrexate shot (My first period after lasted 46 days- ugh!).
11.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kking5113, I think you saying you’re being stubborn and insisting on your eggs is you subconsciously dismissing your feelings. I don’t think it’s stubbornness because you have a few reasons to think this next time will work. You’ve gone through an ERA and you know there are adjustments to your protocol. Assisted reproduction is simply not very predictable but there is also no guarantee the donor eggs will work! I validate your feelings for wanting to have your own bio baby, that’s OK.

Regardless of what you decide, there really isn’t a wrong answer here. It comes down to what you want deep down. Only you know. But just because your own eggs have a lower success rate doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. You just have to weigh the desire to have ANY baby (higher success rate therefore higher chance of earlier take Home baby) to YOUR bio baby (lower but still possible and you’ll never wonder what if!).

The only potential downside to your own eggs is time and money. (How much is this bio baby worth it to you? Can you handle another loss?).

What do you want more honey? Baby right now? Or your bio baby? Only you know what more you can handle emotionally and financially.

Hope this helps! ❤️
11.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kking5113, first I want to say sorry you are in the predicament , faced with such a tough decision. Ultimately , the choice to try one more time with your eggs or not too is a decision you will need to make . It sounds like your husband really loves you and supports your choices. I’m sure he is going through many emotions from the journey as-well but he has to be strong for you. It seems as if he will be happy as long as you get your dream of having a baby of your own , regardless of the method . It sounds like although you won’t mind using donor eggs ,a part of you still wants to try one more time with your eggs and if you don’t, you may live with “what if “ it could have worked with your dna. I’m not sure what you should do but I believe after such a long journey you REALLY do want to be a mom and will stop at nothing to achieve this . I think this is admirable! You are strong and you can do this ! If you do try your eggs one more time, I recommend taking some supplements that help egg quality for a couple months before and doing ICSI as well. Also get another endo scratch before transfer and see if they will let you take Medrol or something similar during transfer as well to help your body not reject the embryo. If you do donor embryos , I’d ask to do that as well. Either way , I believe this next cycle WILL get you your baby . Unfortunately , IVF is trial and error and since everyone is different sometimes it takes time to find the right protocol . It sounds like they ERA test has revealed that you needed one more day of progesterone ... so since you got closer than ever last time I think it will work this next time . HUGS! I’m here if you need to chat .
To help your
10.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much ladies! L-cubed I think you hit the nail on the head with so much of what you said especially the way my hubby feels. I know he feels like he doesn’t ACTUALLY have a lot of say in things because how could he possibly tell me “no” to any of this - but every time he says that, I end up frustrated because it’s not like I want any of this shit! It’s just hard, I want to feel supported and like we’re doing this because it’s what we both want. But I think you’re right, I need to just keep my eye on the prize and be confident in my decision to try EVERYTHING to get our baby and maybe even be grateful that I have a husband who’s willing to leave it up to me instead of putting his foot down and disregarding my feelings.

The only reservation I still have is just that possibly the fastest route to a baby is donor embryos - and if you put a newborn in front of me today and said he or she was mine to adopt if I wanted him/her I wouldn’t hesitate. So am I delaying our happinesses by being stubborn and insisting on my eggs?
08.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. It’s easy to question yourself and your motives when you keep getting disappointed. Also hard because it sounds like you want to please your husband and also consider his emotions. You’re in a tough position because we know he is only doing this for you but you wish he wanted to do it with you and agree with the plan as well. It doesn’t sound like he’ll get there. But honestly he doesn’t have to!! He’s giving you the gift of agreeing to use your eggs this one last time. He’s said yes! Regardless of his reasons behind it, you have to come to terms that he will not be happy about this decision but he DID make this decision.

In my book, you will always regret not trying one last time. Your DH has agreed. If it doesn’t work, it won’t be your “fault”. Or I guess I’m saying, don’t let it be. Make it a point that since he agreed, then you both have to live with the consequences, whatever they are.

But I also see it as he’s been trying to give you your own bio child for 9 years out of pocket. As bad as these fights are, his actions up until now show me he really cares about you and is trying. I also understand his frustration and his desire to not struggle anymore. I can also understand why he’s upset when you bring up the donor eggs convo again last night. In his mind, the decision is done and he agreed with what you wanted so he’s not understanding why you still need to discuss it. He’s exasperated because he feels he can’t make you happy. He’s agreed with you and you’re not happy. And you can’t make him want it. Does that make sense? But all you really want is to feel validated and reassured that everything will be OK. I understand. Just give your DH some time and tell him you appreciate what he’s doing and you’re sorry it’s been such a struggle. I think that will help to mend your rift.
Having said all of this, I haven’t heard anything in what you said that lead to you wavering your decision except that it might not work and you’ll be blamed. I don’t think that’s enough of a compelling reason to give up on your own bio baby.

It really sounds like you want your own baby and your DH has agreed! Just do it!! Let go of expectations and give it this one last shot! It doesn’t even sound like he’s against trying with donor eggs later so it’s not like it’ll be your final time!!

Own this! Make this decision based on how you will feel if you don’t do it. Don’t worry about how your DH feels. He’s a grown up. And he’s agreed knowing the risks.

For me, I would keep trying. Also, 15 mins post transfer, LAUGH! Make sure you stay calm. Your cortisol stress levels affect fertility so much. So the #1 thing you can do is make your Body receptive and warm and calm. And once you make your decision, let it all go!!! It will be what it will be!!

Go For IT!!! Tell us what you decide!!! ❤️🤞🧚‍♀️🎊
08.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I really feel for you kk as you've had such a long, tough journey. I faced the donor egg question when I got zero back from PGS testing. My DH has two from a previous marriage and the whole point of TTC was to get my genes in the mix so I persisted with my eggs until DD was born. Statistically, I believe your PGS embryos have the same chance as PGS donor embies, and a better chance than non-PGS donor eggs/embies. If you're still getting normal embies back then hang in there and one will stick xx
07.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn’t say it’s our last attempt, but it’s definitely our last chance to use my eggs. But because we are self pay and we don’t just have disposable lumps of cash laying around, I don’t know how soon after this upcoming round we’ll be able to try again. Plus we’ve been at this for 9 years, we are done with the stress and drama... I just don’t know if I’ll regret for the rest of my life not trying with my eggs - maybe regret isn’t even the right word, because I know however a child comes into my life I won’t regret the path it took to get there, but I think I might possibly grieve not having my own for the rest of my life...
07.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
This is such a big and difficult decision. It’s not fair for him to agree to a round with your eggs, but if it fails, it’s like he told you so. You don’t need any added stress on an already stressful situation. That being said...if this is indeed your absolute last attempt, I would probably try what has the best probability to have a child. That’s just me though. Our situation is similar but switched. I am ready to move on to donor egg, but dh wants to try with my eggs again. It’s all so hard to navigate through! Best of luck in whatever you decide.
07.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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