Did I miss something about Jessica alba? I know we blame her for shutting down the alt12 apps but did she do something else that has people pissed off? Just curious. I don’t use honest brand anyways lol
@ss3mom, she probably isn’t allowed to since taking over the other apps lol. @jewlmama0211, that seems to be the case outside of general distaste and the person that got sued (which is so crazy) . Shutting down bb is a good enough reason for me 🤷🏼♀️
Yeah I’m pretty confused too... I guess I never knew baby bump was owned by the honest co or that she owned it. I’m out of the loop. But is the hate because she decided to shut it down?
@squishymommy1, woah that sucks. I heard about the Coca Cola one though. But I wasn’t surprised at that because when I first heard about Honest Tea I thought it was from honest company lol. But yes also curious did she have to pay her?
@mamabird228, for using the word “honest” as part of her blog/online persona/book/website etc. She tried to sue Coca Cola for Honest Tea too (not. Kidding)