Mothers Day is coming. Time to remember how it all started. 1. Epidural? No for both 2. Child's daddy in the room? Yes for both 3. Induced? No 4. C-section? No 5. Knew the sex beforehand? Yes for bot 6. Due Date? 23/01/2015 & 29/05/2017 7. Birthday? 06/01/2015 & 26/05/2017 8. Morning sickness? No/Yes 9. Cravings? Nothing in particular 10. Weight gain? About 20kg with both 11. Place of birth? Rockhampton Hospital 12. Hours in labor? 6 hrs & 1hr 45 mins 13. Weight? 2.7kg & 3.14kg 14. Baby’s name? Edelynn & Eloise 15. Age now? 3.5y and 11mo