1. Epidural? 1st yes 2nd yes

2. Induced? 1st no & 2nd yes

3. C-section? No & no.

4. Knew the sex beforehand? Yes & yes.

5. Due Date? 2/12/16 & 11/24/17

4. Birthday? 2/12/16 & 11/20/17

7. Morning sickness? No & no.

8. Craving? 1st pickles & 2nd soft pretzels

9. Weight gain? 30lbs both

10. Place of birth? Washington & Idahp

11. Hours in labor? Both 4 hrs 45 minutes

12. Weight? 1st 7lbs 1oz & 2nd 6lbs 10oz

13. Baby’ name? P & M

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1. Epidural? 1st yes, 2&3 no

2. Induced? No never

3. C-section? No

4. Knew the sex beforehand? Yes

5. Due Date? 4/12/07, 9/24/11 & 9/24/13 (yes I had the same due date twice New Years gets me everytime 😂)

4. Birthday? 4/15/07, 9/13/11 & 9/5/13

7. Morning sickness? Not with my oldest yes with my other two

8. Craving? Ice, slurpees, oxtail

9. Weight gain? 1st 80lbs 2nd 70-80 lbs & 3rd around 40 lbs

10. Place of birth? Toronto

11. Hours in labor? 1st 18 hrs, 2nd 2 hours 3rd 3 hours

12. Weight? 1st 8lbs 6oz 2nd 8lbs even 3rd 7lbs even

13. Baby’ name? T M & N
03.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
1. Epidural? Yes
2. Induced? Yes
3. C-section? Yes
4. Knew the sex beforehand? Yes
5. Due date? 2/11/16
6. Birthday? 2/15/16
7. Morning sickness? Yes
8. Craving? Everything 🙈🙈
9. Weight gain? Over 80lbs 😭
10. Place of birth? St. Louis
11. Hours in labor? 24
12. Weight? 6lbs 14 oz
13. Baby’s name? Jaxson
03.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
1. Epidural? Yes for both

2. Induced? 1 one I was for pre-e 2nd-no

3. C-section? No & no.

4. Knew the sex beforehand? Yes & yes.

5. Due Date? 12/12/11 & 1/13/18

4. Birthday? 11/30/11 & 12/30/17

7. Morning sickness? Yes for both

8. Craving? 1st none & 2nd mashed potatos

9. Weight gain? 50 for 1st and 35 for 2nd

10. Place of birth? Oklahoma panhandle & North Texas

11. Hours in labor? 1st started pitocin at 2pm had him at 1am. 2nd contractions started at 4:30 am and had him at 11:45am

12. Weight? 1st 6lbs 7oz & 2nd 8lbs

13. Baby’ name? Preston & Gage
03.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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