So I just took this and cant tell if I see a line it's like 3rd morning peepee, I took one yesterday evening and it was completely negative. Af was due yesterday and I'm spotting super super light brown with cramps. I dont normally post my tests unless I really need another set of eyes. Please give me brutality honest opinions not what you think I wanna hear. But just asking for another set of eyes
I think my body is punishing me. Af is late this morning I had super bad cramps had a loose bm and when I wiped my self clean I also had bright red blood. But now I'm back to spotting barely light brown??? If it doesn't pick up more then I'll buy a test Friday but I'm almost certain I'm out again.
I definitely see a very faint line. Lots of prayers it's positive!
I have had this happen though and gotten a false positive with those tests. Give it a day or two and rest again with the same brand and a cheap Walmart one.
I don’t think you need the Ava bracelet because you’re pregnant !!! Congratulations 🎊
The first response tests are the most sensitive if you can buy another one today take to tomorrow morning (first pee) and it should get darker.
I just rushed to Walmart and unfortunately the Walmart cheapie I took was negative. So I am sure it was a faulty test. Frer seems to be horrible for me I always get lines with them that gets that hope sky rocketed.*sigh* hubby and I talked this morning before he went to work(before the test I took) and are buying the Ava bracelet. I've seen alot of awesome reviews:)
I see a line, but I don't know if it's a positive line, almost looks like a faulty line? If your period is late though I would take another test and use that answer!!