Hello everyone, I'm really running out of ideas what I could try. My baby is six weeks old and has had tummy issues or colic or reflux....I'm doing combination feeding. Sometimes she has no problem breastfeeding but every other she seems to be unsatisfied for hours and fussy on the breast/bottle. Last night she was doing quite well and slept more at night but after 4 am she would feed for 10-15 minutes, fall asleep during feed , be on my shoulder for 15-20 minutes but the minute I put her down she'd be crying again. This goes on like a never ending circle. I did put some books under her mattress as the gp suggested and already tried giving her infacol, gaviscon (which she disliked), gripe water but no help. Any suggestions?
Gaviscon and a rainbow pillow was a life saver for us! I just put a little Gaviscon in a dropper with a tiny bit of milk before every feed and we tucked the rainbow pillow under the cot sheet! It was an absolute miracle!
Good luck 💕
Good luck 💕