So my boyfriend bitches about damn juice because my sister an her boyfriend take it and he gets mad over it when there letting us be in there house with our 3 daughters and there paying water electricity and heat but we give them $500 for rent cuz there's 5 of us and yes I would help out and pay for food because they do everything else but he just keeps on notching bout oh there eating are food or using are toilet paper he is an ungreatful bastard Uhhh now it makes me think y did I ever fall in love with him he's sooo greedy and selfish I hate that about him and I wish he was better than this anyway I got a plate of food for me an my daughter and he had the nerve to say no wonder y ur so fat because u keep eating and that just broke me because I think my nextplanon broke an I might be pregnant again all the symptoms I had with my daughters I'm having again and I'm so tired of this he keeps nagging and nagging I'm gonna fall apart even more