I got induced this morning. They hooked me up to an IV, gave me this medication up my cooch to soften my cervix. Suppose to have it in for 12 hours but it came out early. It started giving me intense contractions. Eventually my water broke. Bout to start on pitocin which causes contractions? That’s what the nurse told me. But overall just speeds up the laboring process. Should have my baby tonight if not tmw morning
Eat before you go in, because once they start you can’t have any food . Just water and ice chips . I was induced at 37 weeks and in labor for a day and half. The induction process itself can take up to three days . It wasn’t bad but prepare yourself , it all depends on your body and baby.
I was induced and read online that it causes even worse contractions than regular labour, and that they are more consistent all ended up being true because I felt it myself and it literal hell but I am sure all contractions are whether induced or natural. It wasn't until the epidural that things got scary my daughters heartbeat went crazy, it was getting really high and then really really low even the doctors/nurses were worried. But literally after they induced me I had my daughter a few hours later but keep in mind I was already 4 cm dilated and that is probably why it happened so quickly.
Induced twice. I got my epidural before labor began with both so I didn’t feel any pain. With my first labor lasted 15 hours but epidural wore off as soon as the baby started coming so I felt EVERYTHING. Second time I was only in labor for 3 hours and it was a breeze. Next pregnancy I’ll choose to do it exactly the same. Induction and epidural early.
Don't you don't wanna stress out the littles. I mean all inducti💜n is. Is medication and breaking of your water to help you start contracting. So your being induced to get labor started other then doing it on your own. I did with both my boys and my first was 4hrs my second was highrisk pregnancy so was way longer at, 28hrs. But its natural and you'll be surrounded by family and friends that live you and doctors that you trust at the time. Breath in and out and take it all one step at a time. Before they get started they usually ask if you have any questions girl be honest.
@trailer_trash_queen This will be my first time being induced but this is my second child but I'm only 1 cm dilated . And how long was you in labor if you don't mind me asking.
I got induced this morning. They hooked me up to an IV, gave me this medication up my cooch to soften my cervix. Suppose to have it in for 12 hours but it came out early. It started giving me intense contractions. Eventually my water broke. Bout to start on pitocin which causes contractions? That’s what the nurse told me. But overall just speeds up the laboring process. Should have my baby tonight if not tmw morning
I was induced 3 time out my 4 pregnancies. It was a breeze every time for me! Your gonna hear alot of women say labor is worse or more painful wheb induced, I went naturally into labor with my 4th and there was no difference to me. But everyone is different.