Jessica Whitaker
Jessica Whitaker
Hello mothers. First time mom here and I have suspected my 11 month old daughter might have a yeast infection. I've already stopped using wipes when she just pees and I put her in the shower in her dirty dump diapers. I've replaced wipes with warm wet clothes to help soothe and take it out more better than the wipes but I'm not sure what to get her to help the yeast completely go away. I also have her drink lots of water as well. She keeps scratching like in the inside of her hoo ha and she keeps scratching the specific part of her upper thigh close to her hoo ha and I've been using diaper rash cream on the outside in case but is there anything she can use to cure it?

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Your doctor might be able to present a cream for her. it's hard to get rid of yeast if you don't know what you're doing so definitely visit the pedi.
15.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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