Ok so I need help, not judgement. My son's creeping up on being a year and a half, and I for the life of me can not get him off my boobs. He was breastfed along with formula( for weight gain he's tiny. Still in 12 month clothes. He's fine. Not malnourished, just born 4lbs 13oz) for about 6 months and the EBF for another four until I introduced baby food, and now toddler food. He only breastfeeds now when he's tired to help him calm down to go to sleep. But I need to be free of this. I am losing my mind with it. Having his dad help isn't an option, he won't. And he screams and cries when he gets too tired but nothing else gets him to sleep. He's been like this since he was born. What can I do? I don't believe in the CIO method, and I'm in an apartment so I couldn't even if I did. What's another way I can get him completely weaned?

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This will be hard but you have to take things to make your milk disappear. Their are teas to dry it up fast and safely. He’ll smell and realize there’s no milk.
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sunflowerfields he's refused every pacifier we've given him since he was born.
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
What about a pacifier that’s shaped like your nipple ?
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
I took away the easy access and avoided my daughter the best I could.
Any time she would try I would say " no you're a big girl now, here have some big girl milk"
Once she realized I wasn't going to cave she gave in. Took about 3 days of a lot of crying.
If it's only at night then he's probably just doing it out of comfort. I would try and find another comfort item for him
14.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
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