Lay in a hot bath and use your hands to massage the clogged duct, making sure to keep your breast in the warm water. After massaging for a few minutes, use your hands to try and manually drain the milk out. I did this with my clogged duct and it worked wonders.
Warm compress and keep nursing!! I hated it when it happened to me, but I found that massaging the painful area while nursing and dangle feeding helped A LOT. You will feel silly as hell, but dangling works! Feel better!!
@paigerue2013 thanks, I tried a heating pad for about half hour before this time around and no difference, I massaged it for a long time too. Maybe I will try a hot cloth instead
@princessm928, oh okay! Then the pump might not be pulling all the milk out! When you pump use warm compress it will help with it all pumping out! Seriously had mastitis so many times it was ridiculous!
Make sure your little one is emptying your breasts! And if they aren’t try pumping! Sometimes left over milk causes clogged ducts! I had it horribly cuz my son never finished one breast :/
03.03.2018 Нравится Ответить
Warm rag, drink hot fluids. Do that all day, keep breastfeeding it’ll clear