@clara_eakin, like how early?? I have 2 weeks and 5 Days left and I’m still working. A group of ladies told me it’s best to take off a little before to mentally prepare and rest. Did you take off early?
@hazelnautumnsmomma125, that’s amazing! You did a wonderful job! I’m so nervous. And I agree! Thanks for helping I’m new and don’t know the perils of how tough it’s going to be.
I'd take off at least a week before. And I didn't know until that morning when I started cramping (contractions) and they got worse. I went to L&D and they said I was 1cm and sent me home. Two hours later it was so bad I went back to L&D and I was 4cm so they admitted me at 2pm and I had her at 9:49pm
@hazelnautumnsmomma125, how did you know when it was coming??? I want to work up until but friends have told me to take off the week of to allow myself time to mentally prepare and rest for the stress ahead. What do you suggest?