I got a horrible case of mastitis and the antibiotics dropped my supply and I never recovered. I will tell you that you want to make sure you pump. Set a schedule. There are apps that can help. A healthy diet and some supplements like fenugreek really helped me. My ducts clogged so easily that if I wasn’t pumping every three hours I had a clog to deal with. Give your breast a good massage and then pump. This is a great way to give breast milk to your baby if you were uncomfortable putting baby to breast like I was.
@mrscloud_tinycloud, honestly breastfeeding and pumping are both hard, but it is SO doable, and it helps to have people that support you through it. There is seriously no better feeling than knowing you are giving your baby your milk. It is discouraging to hear that it’s hard but it is the most rewarding feeling ever
@stephaniemora17 I keep hearing how hard it is, but I really want to be able to save the money instead of having to go to formula, and the benefits can't be replaced!