Am I the only momma who freaks out every time there child gets a bruise when they have a doctors appt coming up. My daughter flipped off the side of her recliner and landed on her potty chair. Now she has a bruise on her back and leg and butt. And she has her 18 month check up on Wednesday and I’m freaking out that her doctor is gonna think I’m abusing her. Which I would never even think of.
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I think the same way sometimes lol but kids will be kids. Like I've noticed my son has a little bruise on the top of his leg. It's nothing concerning but I'm thinking it's where my brother will grab my sons leg at the top and tickle him cause he's very ticklish there. my son has his shots next week I was like they gonna see this bruise. But my son is rough and always getting picked on by his 4 yr old cousin too so he could have done it. Idk but kids will be kids. They fall, they play wild, they fight, they get bruises. Lol. My sons always jumping off furniture smh

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I think the same way sometimes lol but kids will be kids. Like I've noticed my son has a little bruise on the top of his leg. It's nothing concerning but I'm thinking it's where my brother will grab my sons leg at the top and tickle him cause he's very ticklish there. my son has his shots next week I was like they gonna see this bruise. But my son is rough and always getting picked on by his 4 yr old cousin too so he could have done it. Idk but kids will be kids. They fall, they play wild, they fight, they get bruises. Lol. My sons always jumping off furniture smh

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My kids dr has a 7 year old. She's on top of it. She's like it's okay. They fall and get hurt it will keep happening lol

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Oh honey don't worry most doctors don't even pay attention that much I know how you feel my son's a complete klutz he's so busy doing other stuff he's never paying attention to what he supposed to be doing and he walks in the walls and trips over his stuff on the floor rolls off his bed I think he had 5 6 bruises when I took him in for his check up

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I always get like that when my kids have to go anywhere or someone visits. I have 3 boys, they get ruff and try to jump of dressers. Stay getting little marks mo matter how close we try to watch them.

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As long as you tell them she fell they believe you. Toddlers are very accident prone and they understand that.

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