Beverly story
Beverly story
Need advice.
What do I do when my in laws watch my daughter (9 months) and my cousins baby boy (11 months) and they keep bringing him there when he is sick and runs a fever? The will not stay home with him when he is sick. They don't care if he gets my daughter sick and my in laws will lie to me about him being sick and won't tell me either, like they care more about money than their granddaughter. They make me out to be the bad person because I don't want him around her when he is sick. What should I do?
(Note: I am a kind hearted person and try not to say anything but it really bothers me.)

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She’s your daughter and she can’t stick up for herself. So unfortunately, you’re going to have to start being an asshole and putting your foot down because you never know what she could catch from your cousin and because you’re a mom now 🤷🏻‍♀️
01.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
Something needs to be said/done. I know it’s not fun being the “bad” person. But you have your daughters health to think about.
01.02.2018 Нравится Ответить
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