Just a quick update. I'm still maintaining 5cm and 80%(last checked 5am) they don't want to be checking too often to avoid breaking my water. Contractions are being controlled with meds currently so they are few and far between for now but my last dose to keep them at bay is tomorrow at 1pm and then its up to baby to decide whats going to happen and how fast. I FINALLY got to eat after 26 hours. My BP is low from the meds. I'm bleeding some pretty good clots and mucus. I got all the steroid shots we need for babies lungs so hopefully when he arrives hes breathing as best as he can be. They just moved me from LandD to a rest unit because I'm pretty stable currently.So I'm going to try my best to rest while people aren't poking at me. I am getting more emotional by the minute but trying my best to maintain my stress.