Amanda Henley
Amanda Henley
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Raise your hand if you THOROUGHLY enjoyed the EFF out of the holidays.

🍷Wine? Yup
🍪Cookies? Sure!
👯‍♀️Girls night? Count me in!
🍷More wine? Yes please!
🍾Champagne? Pop it!
🎲Game night? Come on over!
Did I mention wine? 🍷🍷🍷

The last 2 months I can honestly say I was
👊🏻ALL IN the present moment.

I made a conscious effort to enjoy every moment,
Soak up the time with those around me,
And say ✌️sit down to those
GUILT DRIVEN voices in my head that tend to say
“ can’t eat or drink THAT! It’s not in your container allowance” 🤭🤨🙄

MY ENTIRE LIFE I’ve been on a journey to BALANCE.
A journey to LOVE MYSELF just the way I am.

🤷🏻‍♀️Sometimes that means loving me at my smallest, skinniest moment....
but it ALSO means loving me when there’s a little EXTRA of me...

This season, the little EXTRA you see is symbolic of
LOVE and
and I’m ok with that!


I’ve had soooooo many of you 📲 message me asking if there’s an accountability group for the new year.
And while I absolutely LOVE that you think of ME for that...
It’s tough!
I’m NOT a coach anymore,
but you can bet your booty my heart STILL lies 100% in helping others be the
and I honestly just had to take a beat to think on it a bit!
I, myself, have started my workouts again
(not because I HAVE to or because it’s a new year...but because I MISS THAT TIME for myself!)

I haven’t missed a day with ketones this whole time because...well, duh-superwoman status makes me feel amazing and I’m able to do ALL THE THINGS-so that won’t be changing a bit.

And I’ve started focusing a bit more on I intermittent fasting and fueling my body back to it’s naturally preferred NATIVE state.

So....all of that being said...

I’m TOTALLY psyched to offer an accountability group for the new year...

but its definitely going to look a little DIFFERENT than it has in the past.

I’m thinking of all of you who have been waiting for the “NEW YEAR” to try out therapeutic ketones 😉

So here it is!
A brand new style of group....

▪️10 day test drive of Theraputic Ketones to kickstart your body right into ketosis.
(Superwoman energy, focused clarity, amazing sleep, better mood, decreased anxiety, appetite control....who doesn’t want all that in the new year?)

▪️Do whatever workout/movement makes you feel like a badass. I’ll share some free ones, or use what you’ve got!

▪️Follow whatever meal plan you feel comfy with

OR ☝️

▪️soak up the info I’ll share on intermittent fasting and a Keto-ISH meal plan.

▪️PLUS Daily affirmations and tips to get your MIND in a more loving place while you’re workin on allll of that ☝️

The specifics are up to you,
but we can all definitely check in and lift each other up at the same time!

If you’re in, comment below with your fav emoji (or just send me a message) and I’ll get you hooked up.

New year is NOT a new me-
just the same ol girl-working hard on loving myself and helping others do the same!

I’d love to do it with you by my side!👯‍♀️😉💕

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