I don’t know how to handle this situation at the moment but I’m sure it’ll gradually happen.. Long story short the father of my child went through my phone this morning and found some emails he didn’t like ( I’m not going into exclusive detail about them). So he woke me up yelling and after talking he decided to leave. I went to do some last Christmas shopping and when I came back most of his things were gone. I guess I am mostly disappointed in my self because he is seriously perfect and it hurts me to know how much pain I caused him. I didn’t call him the whole day except at night I noticed my baby blanket (something I had as a child and have some sort of attachment to) is missing. He knows I’ll go crazy without it but I don’t want to think he took it I called to ask but he didn’t answer. I know I shouldn’t even bother and I know it’s not about me at the moment.. I guess I just needed to vent. There is so much more to my story but it’s too fucken long. Merry Christmas to everyone.!!

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if u need to talk just message me girrrrl ill listen!
24.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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