Last things.

What was the last thing you...

Ate? Chips, smiley stars, hash brown and fish fingers 🙈😂😂😂

Drank? Coffee

Read? Timeline here

Movie you watched? Can’t remember 🙈

Tv show? Big Bang theory

Googled? Weather I can use out of date cream:’)!

Song you listened to? Please by vince

Store you went to? One stop:’)

Thing you bought? Milk

Time you cried? Last night

Book you read? God knows Been yeeaars since I read any book🙈

Last dream you had? I can’t even remember 🙈😂

Person you hugged? My fiancé

Person you talked to? A friend

Vacation you had? Tenerife 😍

Copy, erase answers and fill it in!
6.3 лет

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