I need help! How often do u guys see your in laws and do u feel like it’s your responsibility to make sure your child sees them or do u let them make that choice.
My in laws live about an hour away as we see them several times a month. My mom lives 12 hours away, but we Skype about once a week. My son loooooves his grandparents and we love that both sides are involved loving of the kids. My daughter is only 5 months, but she loves snuggling with her grandmas and playing with my sister-in-laws hair (read pulling on 😉). We’re lucky to have wonderful in laws.
My mother in law lives 13hrs away so she has only seen our son a handful of times. My father in law lives like 5-10mins from us and has a health problem. So we have to take him out there. We go every two weeks or so.
@onthegomomma, that’s what I said that it should be up to them to see her mine live 10 mins away and spend all day Saturday and Sunday with us. And if we say anything to her about what we don’t that she does she gets mad and tells us she’s not coming so see our daughter and that it’s our responsibility to make sure she sees them
My in laws live I Florida we probably see them one a year or every other year. We only do that as a courtesy. I feel like if they want their grandchild to know who they are it is there responsibility to put effort into that. There’s Skype and FaceTime if you can’t afford the trip.
My in-laws live 10 hours away. So I try and have my daughter see them as much as possible. If my inlaws lived in michigan they would see her daily if they could.But if they live close then they should ask to see the child you shouldn't have to worry on making everyone happy. If they really want to see him they would make the effort.