@jskidsmom, I seen a lactation consultant and she helped me put her on correctly but my nipple keeps tearing!
12.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Idk why her doctor would say to pump. They are so uneducated about breastfeeding. Smh pumping this early can cause mastitis, clogged ducts and oversupply. You have to see a lacation consultant or try using a nipple shield.
@damiensmommy1117, I wanted too but she keeps tearing my nipple. The dr had to help her latch right and it keeps tearing for some reason so she told me just continue to pump.
12.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Are you also breastfeeding? I can barely pump 2oz, but when I breastfeed my son gets overly full sometimes and will spit extra milk back up.
Well if baby is only 2 weeks old then she won't eat more than 1 oz . A pump is no indication of milk supply either.. so you can't base it on that. Are you going back to work soon?