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At our last u/s checkup, they found that Alivia does not have any chromosomal abnormalities despite having dilated kidneys and what they thought was a thickened neck at her anatomy ultrasound - the neck being a strong marker for Down's syndrome. Instead they found that she is growing abnormally quickly which is a sign of gestational diabetes, however for me to already have her measuring so big NOW is super dangerous. I've already had to change my diet while waiting on the gestational diabetes test results that I should be getting back within the next few days. Overall, she's measuring a whole two weeks bigger than she's supposed to, and her stomach itself is four and a half weeks bigger than where it's supposed to be. I had the opposite problem with my first - he did not want to grow at all and I ended up with a NICU and underweight baby despite being a week and a half overdue! Super crazy!

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I hope everything goes well with your baby.
12.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
I had the kidney issue with my son we are about to be one year post op and he is doing well and my daughter was four weeks ahead and no diabetes I hope that’s your case
12.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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